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Labour Action Updates

Agreement reached with support staff. Get updates.


Principal's Message


Welcome to Outreach Programs!  Whether you’re short a few credits for graduation, upgrading your marks, wanting to repeat a course, or simply want to continue your education, Outreach Programs can help.  

Our Learning Stores:

  • are student-centered, allowing students to connect to education and school in a safe and welcoming environment
  • are less-structured than traditional high schools. No formal lessons are offered
  • offer students access to high school courses in an individualized, flexible modular format
  • offer a warm, friendly, relaxed, encouraging, and non-threatening learning environment
  • are supportive spaces where all students are accepted and treated with dignity and respect
  • offer career, post-secondary, and workplace planning and assistance


At Outreach Programs, we are committed to helping you achieve the future that you dream of.  We want to inspire you to learn to live your life more fully and to take advantage of all that your future holds. On behalf of all Learning Store teachers and support staff, I wish you success in your educational and life journey.


Rick Ramsay


Outreach Programs